Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Careful Start

I've been going a little stir crazy here.  Did a jigsaw puzzle, am watching a few movies a day, listening to one or two albums a day, and have spent far too many hours playing online games.  But the one good thing that's come out of it is a focused approach to running.  I'll see where it takes me.  Soon I'll head back to Arizona, but some family stuff is going on here, and I'm not totally sure what's going to happen this summer.

Best new album I've listened to this week is Gloss Drop by Battles.  Maybe best album so far this year?  It's purty darn good. 

Running Log:

Began training on Sunday.  I don't know what for yet, but I have some ideas in mind.  I'll decide on June 30th, when registration fees for the runs I'm looking at start to go up.

Sunday--1.2 miles barefoot on astroturf.  There aren't any big grass fields nearby, so I suppose turf is good enough.  Tried to focus on striking my feet the right way.  Legs felt as if they did nothing, so maybe I was doing it right?

Monday--1.6 miles barefoot.  Same deal, but I started to notice some small blisters in between my big toes and my 2nd biggest toes.

Tuesday--2 miles barefoot.  It was a hot day (88 degrees when I was running), and my feet started feeling really hot.  I imagined it was just because the astroturf had gotten so hot, and tried running on the white lines, but then realized my blisters were getting bigger.  Popped them later on after the run.

Wedensday--2.5 miles with new shoes!  Ran with socks, and noticed they had holes in the same places my blisters were at.  Don't know that they did much good, but it felt like a good run.  There was mild pain where blisters were, but legs still feel like they're doing no work.  Started trying to figure out what my comfortable pace is on the track by looking at the digital bank clock on my way to and from the track.  I'd guess sub eight minute miles for a comfortable conversation pace, but I'm not sure.

Thursday--3 miles with shoes.  In the rain!  Longest run I've done so far this month.  Didn't wear socks this time, and it actually felt more comfortable.  The shoes don't fit extremely well since I sized them anticipating foot swelling on long runs, but they fit well enough to forego socks.  No problems with feet anymore, so I might continue barefoot running in a few days.  Noticed my left leg feeling a little weird, and am attributing it to running in only one direction on the track these past two days.  Tomorrow it will be the outside leg.

Friday--3.5 miles with shoes.  Took insoles out.  My right calf felt a little worked after this one, but I ran the last half mile kind of fast.

Saturday--0 miles.

Weekly Total: 13.8 miles (9 with shoes, 4.8 barefoot)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hello, it's me

Hello world.

My goodness, it seems life just keeps getting stranger.  "Isn't it strange to be anything at all?"  I suppose that's why I'm starting this blog.  I'm a fan of eccentricities and peculiar habits.  Life is made up of this stuff, and most everything else is just pretending to be something you're not.  Weirdness is what makes You You.  Embrace it.  Go ahead and shout out poetry while running, go ahead and swim with all your clothes on, go ahead and climb up on a rooftop or sneak into an abandoned building.  Make drunken phone calls, make paper clip sculptures, dance however you want because none of it is going to matter.  Tell someone you like them just to tell them, and help yourself to a free breakfast at the hotel down the street.

Abandon long scheduled plans, live life according to no plan except whatever comes your way and see where it takes you.  Go by foot, and soon nothing becomes too far away, too inconvenient, too spontaneous.  Your feet have no rules of the road, but rather they are not meant for a road.  They are meant for wandering, pursuing the hunt, nomadic living.  Become the peregrinator.  Go somewhere you've never been.  Tomorrow.  Today.  Now.

Maybe all this is bullshit.  But then again, everything feels like bullshit and this seems better than anything else.  Right now, everything is all up in the air for me.  But I've been up in the air the whole time, just floating along.